Hitting real angular http service from jasmine test

Sometimes you want to use jasmine as a tool for playing with existing web services, grab some responses and then convert them into the stubs. Unfortunately, from jasmine test you have access only to mocked version of $httpBackend service.

You can use this helper code for accessing real $httpBackend service:

angular.module('httpReal', ['ng'])
  .config(['$provide', function($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('$httpBackend', function() {
      return angular.injector(['ng']).get('$httpBackend');
  .service('HttpReal', function($rootScope) {
    this.submit = function() {

This code creates httpReal service in which you restore access to original $httpBackend. It also provides a function to flush the request. Otherwise promises from http service call will never be executed.

Let’s create demo service:

var namespace = angular.module('myModule', []);

namespace.service('MyService', function($http) {
  this.remoteCall = function() {
    return $http({method: 'GET', url: 

and test it:

describe('MyService', function() {
  var myService, httpReal;

  beforeEach(module('myModule', 'httpReal'));

  beforeEach(inject(function(MyService, HttpReal) {
    myService = MyService;
    httpReal = HttpReal;

  it('calls success callback and returns valid data', 
    function(done) {
      myService.remoteCall().then(function(response) {


  it('calls error callback', function(done) {
    var myServiceResults = createPromise({}, false);

    spyOn(myService, 'remoteCall').and.returnValue(myServiceResults);

    myService.remoteCall().then(angular.noop, function() {


function createPromise(value, success) {
  var q;

  inject(function($q) {
    q = $q;

  var deferred = q.defer();

  if(success === undefined || success == true) {
  else {

  return deferred.promise;

Take a look on how to properly use promises in tests. It uses done function. In jasmine 2.x they have dropped runs/waitsFor functions in favor of the Mocha done callback. You can use it in beforeEach, afterEach and it calls.