Reading from external source in gherkin (cucumber) scripts


Gherkin is simple English-like language for representing Given-When-Then sequences to support Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It is also a parser for the language itself.

Based on this simple language you can build convenient tools that make communications between Developers, Testers, Business Analysts, Product Owners and other stakeholders easy.

For example, these tools use gherkin as a language for representing behavior:

  • Cucumber is a tool for running automated tests written in plain language.

  • Turnip is a Gherkin extension for RSpec. It allows you to write tests in Gherkin and run them through your RSpec environment so you can write cucumber features in RSpec.

  • Spinach is a high-level BDD framework that leverages the expressive Gherkin language to help you define executable specifications of your application or library’s acceptance criteria.


Gherkin language lets you build simple Given-When-Then sequences and when you need to repeat same set of sequences, you can use Scenario Outline. Unfortunately, Scenario Outline lets you use data defined only inside script only. It does not have the ability to get data from external source like file or database connection.


Below is an example of Gherkin (Cucumber) feature script with Scenario Outline:

Feature: Using Wikipedia

  Background: within context
    Given I am within

  Scenario Outline: Searching with selenium for a term with submit

    Given I am on
    When I enter word <keyword>
    And I click submit button
    Then I should see keyword results: <keyword>

      | keyword  |
      | Capybara |
      | Wombat   |
      | Echidna  |

It reads from Examples section and execute script 3 times for different <keyword>.

We want to be able to externalize keywords, say in data.csv file:


and then replace section with data with the path to external file.

Feature: Using Wikipedia

  Background: within context
    Given I am within

  Scenario Outline: Searching with selenium for a term with submit

    Given I am on
    When I enter word <keyword>
    And I click submit button
    Then I should see keyword results: <keyword>

      | keyword |
      | file:spec/features/data.csv |

It is possible to do with a little ruby metaprogramming and code is available here.

The idea is to locate the code where gherkin reads that data and replace it with your code dynamically in memory.

The code introduces hook on gherkin level, so it will work for all tools.

Below it an example how to use it:

require 'acceptance_test/gherkin_ext'

data_reader = lambda do |source_path|

GherkinExt.enable_external_source data_reader