Using Node.js and Karma Framework for Unit Tests and Code Coverage in Javascript
Your web project, whether it’s written in Java, Python or Ruby, has Javascript files that support front-end part of it. And unit tests and code coverage for them are two most uncovered areas, terra incognito of Javascript world.
New technologies, such as Node.js, can help you to cover it. Node.js is server-side technology, but we don’t plan to change the way we use Javascript in today’s projects, we just use Node.js as complimentary tool for packages delivery and execution of code, that is located outside of your project, such as unit-test runner or coverage runner.
Because this technology is orthogonal to your project, it can be used in virtually any project, whether it’s PHP, Java, Ruby or C#, as long as they have Javascript.
Writing unit tests and generating code coverage is superior to your project, because having unit tests increases quality of code and code coverage report provides awareness and better control of what is going on with the project.
Node.js: what it is?
It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009.
It is scripting language - no compilation required, convenient for writing automation scripts. It uses Google Chrome v8 Javascript engine.
It is Javascript that’s freed from the browser’s chains - it can be used from command line and as part of server-side collection of technologies.
It has a lot of packages (libraries) for easy extending existing functionality. You use node package manager to deliver node packages to your computer same way as Ruby developers use RubyGems for downloading gems (Ruby equivalent of library).
It is technology-in-demand. Some companies that use it:,,,,,
It is new and promising technology. See Tessel - internet-connected microcontroller progammable in Node.js.
A lot of hosting services already support Node.js: Heroku, Joyent, CloudFoundry, OpenShift, Cloudnode, WindowsAzure.
If you are on Apple computer, you can use homebrew tool to install it:
brew install node
It will install node package manager (npm) as well:
node -v
npm -v
On Windows you can download node and npm as one installation from here.
Using Node.js: Webserver example
Let’s demonstrate “hello world” program for Node.js. This simple web server responds with “Hello World” string for every request.
// hello_world.js
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello World\n');
server.listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
To run this code, execute it from the command line:
% node example.js
Server running at
Installing node packages
You can install node packages in two ways:
globally, for all projects: usually in /usr/local//lib/node_modules;
locally, for current project only: in yourprojectroot/node_modules;
This is the example of global installation:
npm install -g grunt-cli
and local installation:
npm install grunt-cli
In examples above we are installing grunt build tool.
Saving packages locally is good practice - this way you will have the ability to quickly reproduce your production environment - dev/prod parity.
You can execute grunt command now:
cd your_project_root
node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt -version
Keep track of node packages used by project
You can create package.json file used by npm to keep track of project dependencies. This is sample file:
"name": "your_project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Npm package for your_project",
"author": "John Smith <>",
"engines": {
"node": ">= 0.10.16"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-cli": "~0.1.9"
With this file in place you can install all required dependencies (grunt, grunt-cli) in one command:
npm install
You can also install single package with automatic insert of package name/description into package.json as development dependency:
npm install grunt-cli --save-dev
Look: identical tools for different languages
If we look at different languages as frameworks, we can see that most of them have similar tools for similar needs.
For example,
build tool:
- Java - Ant/Maven
- Ruby - rake/thor
- Node - grunt
package manager:
- Java - ??? (maybe Maven?)
- Ruby - gem
- Node - npm
dependencies resolver:
- Java - Maven
- Ruby - bundler
- Node - npm
version manager:
- Java - no
- Ruby - rvm
- Node - nvm
Looks like it’s becoming de-facto standard for contemporary popular languages to have at least some package delivery engine, dependencies resolver and framework version manager.
Karma Framework: what is it?
We use Node.js primarily as delivery mechanism for easy installation of packages that will help us to build unit tests and generate code coverage. This can be done by Karma framework.
It was created by AngularJS team.
It’s not unit test or coverage library - it’s universal layer built on top of existing testing/coverage libraries with common configuration.
It’s agnostic to testing framework: you describe your tests with Jasmine, Mocha, QUnit, or write a simple adapter for any framework you like.
You can plug in coverage library seamlessly.
You can test same code in different browsers simultaneously.
You can debug with the help of RubyMine/WebStorm IDEs, Chrome or Firefox browsers.
You can run your tests in headless mode with the help of PhantomJS library.
You can install karma through npm:
npm install karma --save-dev
After karma installation you need to create karma configuration file.
You can keep it in javascript:
node_modules/karma/bin/karma init karma.conf.js
or coffeescript:
node_modules/karma/bin/karma init
Script will ask few questions and at the end karma.conf.js or file will be created.
Now, you need to install additional packages. First, install browser launchers and preprocessors:
npm install karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-firefox-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-safari-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev
npm install karma-coffee-preprocessor --save-dev
npm install karma-html2js-preprocessor --save-dev
Then, install support for jasmine (it’s one of supported testing libraries):
npm install karma-jasmine --save-dev
Revisiting Content of Karma Configuration File
Below is the typical example of karma configuration file:
module.exports = (config) ->
basePath: '.'
frameworks: ['jasmine']
files: [
# external libraries
process.env.GEM_HOME +
# project libraries
# specs
{pattern: 'spec/javascripts/*_spec.js', included: true}
{pattern: 'spec/javascripts/*', included: true}
# list of files to exclude
exclude: []
'**/*.coffee': ['coffee']
reporters: ['dots']
port: 9876
colors: true
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO
autoWatch: false
browsers: ["PhantomJS"]
captureTimeout: 60000
singleRun: true
reportSlowerThan: 500
Let’s explain some of used properties.
basePath points to the root of your project
frameworks describes used frameworks (we use jasmine only)
files should include
- original javascript code to be tested
- dependent external libraries
- specs
- fixtures (if yop plan to use them)
preprocessors describe different actions/filters. Some of them:
- how to process coffeescript files (coffee);
- how to build fixtures (html2js);
- what files to include into code coverage (coverage);
reporters define usage of “dots” reporter
browsers describe in which browsers code should be tested. We use PhantomJS for headless tests
singleRun: true is useful for running in CI server
Using Karma
You can start karma with this command:
node_modules/karma/bin/karma start
This command will run all specs in spec/javascripts folder and output results to console.
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.10.2 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Mac OS X)]: Connected on socket _juBSCUpZSBdU1wA-URx
PhantomJS 1.9.1 (Mac OS X): Executed 47 of 47 SUCCESS (0.167 secs / 0.027 secs)
Code Coverage with Karma
For generating code coverage report you have to install karma-coverage package:
npm install karma-coverage --save-dev
You also have to register your javascript or coffeescript files with coverage preprocessor, add coverage reporter to the list of reporters and create coverageReporter section:
module.exports = (config) ->
'app/assets/javascripts/**/*.js': ['coverage']
'app/assets/javascripts/**/*.coffee': ['coverage']
reporters: ['dots', 'coverage']
type: 'html'
dir: 'coverage'
coverageReporter section describes configuration of “coverage” reporter: type of report and location of it.
Now, when you run karma again
node_modules/karma/bin/karma start
it will create coverage report inside coverage directory. Open it:
open coverage/PhantomJS\ 1.9.1\ \(Mac\ OS\ X\)/
Using fixture for your specs
If you plan to use fixtures inside your specs, you have to do these steps.
- Create fixture file in fixtures folder:
<!-- spec/javascripts/fixtures/template.html -->
- Add fixtures location to files sections and specify html2js preprocessor for html files inside fixtures directory:
module.exports = (config) ->
files: [
'spec/javascripts/fixtures/**/*.html': ['html2js']
- Access fixture from the spec through global window.__html__ variable:
# spec/javascripts/
describe 'some_coffee_code', ->
fixture = undefined
beforeEach ->
window.__html__ = window.__html__ || {};
fixture = window.__html__['spec/javascripts/fixtures/template.html']
it 'access div element', ->
el = $(fixture).find('#div')