Extending RubyMine with JRuby script - How to use HAML/SASS converter from inside IDE (JRuby script-plugin)

How it works

RubyMine already has JRuby library as part of IDE (see ${RUBYMINE_INSTALLATION/lib/jruby-complete.jar} file).

It also has few scripts that extend standard functionality of IDE, you can see them under ‘File|Settings|Extension’ path or here: ${RUBYMINE_INSTALLATION/rb/*.rb}. It could be considered as convenient platform with easy extensions as ruby-plugins.

Unfortunately, if your script depends on other gems and list of dependencies is big, it becomes very difficult to install new plugins. You have to detect and install all dependent gems into RubyMine installation.

In this article I will introduce another way of how to extend RubyMine functionality. We’ll have separate installation of JRuby that will provide us with gems repository.

First of all, you have to install rvm. This is a tool for installing different ruby versions under Mac/Unix platforms. Once you have rvm installed, install jruby and then use it:

rvm install jruby-1.5.6
rvm use jruby

Check, if you have correct ruby version:

ruby -v

It should be jruby 1.5.6.

Once we have jruby installed, we can develop new RubyMine plugin. We’ll discuss step-by-step what needs to be done.

Step 1: Defining dependencies

We need to document dependencies for our plugin in Gemfile:

source "http://rubygems.org"

gem "haml", "3.0.24"
gem "hpricot", "0.8.3"
gem "abstract", "1.0.0"
gem "erubis", "2.6.6"
gem "sexp_processor", "3.0.5"
gem "ruby_parser", "2.0.5"

Now you can install dependencies with one command:

bundle install

Step 2: Loading dependencies

The following method loads all required gems into memory:

include Java

def load_required_gems
  jruby_home = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.5.6@haml-sass-converters"

  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems"

  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems/haml-3.0.24/lib"
  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems/hpricot-0.8.3-java/lib"
  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems/abstract-1.0.0/lib"
  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems/erubis-2.6.6/lib"
  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems/sexp_processor-3.0.5/lib"
  $: << "#{jruby_home}/gems/ruby_parser-2.0.5/lib"


Step 3: “Requiring” libraries

Now we need to require libraries for working with HAML/SASS and RubyMine:

require "haml"
require "haml/html"
require "sass/css"

require 'default_scripts_groups'
require 'editor_action_helper'
require 'action_group_helper'

Step 4: Building conversion logic

We encapsulate all conversion logic into Converter class. We need to integrate logic from HAML/SASS library with RubyMine API. Because this class will be executed in RubyMine environment, we have access to editor object:

class Converter
  def self.convert_selection editor
    if editor.has_selection?
      text = editor.selection
      s_start = editor.selection_start

      changed_text = yield(text)

      # restore selection
      editor.select(s_start, s_start + changed_text.length)

  def self.convert_to_haml(html)
    Haml::HTML.new(html, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render

  def self.convert_to_sass(css)

  def self.convert_to_scss(css)

Step 5: Registering editor actions

Now we need to register conversion methods of Converter class as editor actions for HTML/HAML conversions:

register_editor_action "html_to_haml",
                       :text => "Convert Html to Haml",
                       :description => "Converts Html content to Haml content.",
                       :group => "EditorPopupMenu",
                       :enable_in_modal_context => true do |editor, _|
  Converter.convert_selection editor do |text|

register_editor_action "html_to_haml_erb",
                       :text => "Convert Html to Haml",
                       :description => "Converts Html content to Haml content.",
                       #:shortcut => "control shift PERIOD",
                       :group => "ScriptsErb",
                       :file_type => "RHTML" do |editor, _|
  Converter.convert_selection editor do |text|

For executing CSS/SASS conversions we will create new “Css” group under 'Tools|Extensions’ menu item. We also need to register Converter class methods as editor actions for CSS/SASS conversions:

register_action_group "ScriptsCss", :text => "Css"

register_editor_action "css_to_sass",
                       :text => "Convert CSS to SASS",
                       :description => "Converts CSS content to SASS content.",
                       :group => "EditorPopupMenu",
                       :enable_in_modal_context => true do |editor, _|
  Converter.convert_selection editor do |text|

register_editor_action "css_to_sass_css",
                       :text => "Convert CSS to SASS",
                       :description => "Converts CSS content to SASS content.",
                       #:shortcut => "control shift PERIOD",
                       :group => "ScriptsCss",
                       :file_type => "CSS" do |editor, _|
  Converter.convert_selection editor do |text|

Install plugin

Above is th explanation of how plugin works. If you just want to use plugin, install haml-sass-converters gem into haml-sass-converters gemset:

rvm use jruby@haml-sass-converters --create
gem i haml-sass-converters

Run install script in your project’s root (or some other location) in order to copy the script:

cd <your-project-root>

New “scripts” folder will be created with “converters.rb” as a plugin.

Go to “File|Setting|Extensions” and add “scripts” folder as new “Script Folder”.

Restart RubyMine. After restarting IDE will have new “Css” group under “Tools|Extensions” and new actions:

  • convert Html to Haml;
  • convert CSS to SASS;

You can reach them from “Tools|Extensions” in main menu or from context popup menu inside the editor.

How to use plugin

Select some content inside erb or css file. Right click inside the editor and select appropriate action.